Here are some of the words she can say and the Renee-speak translations:
I want - "me me!!"And she understands SOOO much more than that. It's amazing! I can tell her, "go show it to Daddy," and she'll walk around the house until she finds Jeff, then she proudly holds up whatever it was that she was supposed to show him. It's so cute.
mama - "mama"
dada - "dada"
dog - "dah!!"
no - "no, no, no, no, no!" (while pointing her finger at you)
baby - "beebee"
bottle - "baba"
book - "booh"
ball - "bah"
bird - "bur"
bubbles - "buboo"
shoe - "shzssoo"
sock - "saw"
snack - "nah"
up - "puh" (up backwards)
down - "dow"
banana - "babwa"
water - "wahwah"
apple - "appoo"
diaper - "papoo"
poopoo - "poopoo"
Renee - "Nee"
belly button - "bah boo"
head - "heh"
teeth - "nees"
hi - "hi"
Oh, she can also tell you what the following animals say: dog ("oof, oof"), cat ("meeeeah"), cow ("moooo"), lion ("rarrr"), chicken ("dukadukawww"), sheep ("baa, baa") and horse ("neh, neh"). And she is really good at blowing kisses and waving bye-bye. We always get a lot of attention for that one :D
It is so fun to watch her learn all these new things and to watch how happy she gets when we understand her and respond appropriately. Of course she gets equally frustrated when we just don't know what she's trying to say. It's a steep learning curve for all of us!!