Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Renee!!

Today, at 9:25 AM, Renee turns ONE YEAR OLD!!!  

I can't believe it has been a year already!  Time has flown by so fast and Jeff and I have enjoyed every minute of it with our beautiful Angel Pie!  

Renee in her birthday suit, minutes after she was born

It is incredible how much she has changed in so little time, and how much more we love her every day!!

Renee today, walking around, smiling and being the goofy toddler she has become!

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!  We love you :D

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Pictures Up

Yeahhhh, Jeff put up new pictures from November, December & January on Renee's Gallery Page.  That means we're actually up to date on her webpage!  And that doesn't happen very often.

If you read this blog, you've probably seen most of the pictures already, but go check them out anyway :D

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jeff's Babies

On Saturday morning Jeff, Renee and the dogs were being super cute together.  Everybody wanted Jeff's attention and he was doing his best to make them all happy.   I tried to get the perfect picture to capture the moment, and ended up taking a whole bunch.  I'm not sure if any one picture was a success, but the series is really cute.

I think it all started with Jeff sitting on the chair by himself.
"Daddy, give us some love!!"

 Kirby hopped up and took his place on the back.


Then Sophie decided she needed some attention too.

 Renee just couldn't resist Daddy AND the dogs, that's just too much fun!

"We can all fit, really Daddy, really!"

This next one is my favorite:

 I'm pretty sure that sometimes Sophie wishes she was a small dog so she can get more attention.

"Life is so hard!  If only I was a small dog."

I love that you can see her nosing Jeff's hand in the corner of this next picture!!

"Don't forget about me!!"

"Okay Sophie, I'll pet you while Kirby kisses Renee."

Jeff had his hands full!  But I was having too much fun watching and taking pictures to help him!

"Standing up and hitting the dog at the same time, this is awesome!"

"Sorry Renee, I only have two hands and my other children need love too!"

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sick Baby = A Great Day

Wednesday morning Renee woke up like normal around 6:30am.  Except, unlike normal, when I went to pick her up out of her crib there was throw up all over her mattress and pj's.  Then I noticed that her face was all red from sleeping in her own vomit.  Yuck!!!  I felt so bad that my baby slept in vomit, but the only time she had cried all night was for just a few minutes, so I didn't go in to check on her.  Poor baby girl.  Mommy is sorry!!

Anyway, other than a diaper full of diarrhea, she seemed completely fine the rest of the morning.  She even happily played with her toys while I got ready.  So, I took her to daycare hoping the whole thing was just a fluke, and not the same stomach bug that I had over the weekend.

Well, I was wrong, and after she threw up two more times at daycare they called me to come pick her up.  Since the Kaiser clinic that we go to is in Davis, I figured we'd stop by there to see if they could fit her in before going home.  I was pretty sure she didn't need to see the doctor, but I figured it was better safe than sorry.  And after spending over an hour there, between waiting time and visiting with the pediatrician, we came out with the conclusion that it was exactly what I thought it was - the same stomach bug I had over the weekend :-(  So, there was nothing to do but wait it out and make sure she got plenty of fluids.

And, since her daycare's sick policy does not allow the children to come back until they are throw-up free for 24 hours, she wouldn't be able to attend on Thursday no matter how she felt.

Luckily though, she felt better almost immediately!!  So on Thursday, we had the entire day free to do whatever we wanted :D  After a short discussion we decided to go to the mall, okay, I decided and she had no choice but to tag along!  I have been in desperate need of some new bras.  Renee is officially weened (I'll write a post about that soon, promise) and as one good friend and fellow breast-feeding mother put it, my nursed out ladies needed some help :D

We had such a great time shopping together!  Renee LOVES her stroller, and happily waved at all other children and many adults as we walked around the mall.  And she was super patient while I tried on bras (I must have tried on at least 15!).  Of course it helped that I let her play with my sunglasses and that I gave her some crackers to munch on (bad combination by the way, my sunglasses were really gross after that).  After I finally settled on a couple bras, we went to the food court for some lunch: Panda Express - mmmm, I love their orange chicken!

The food court at Arden Fair mall now has a play area for kids, so I let Renee romp around a little bit.  She was the youngest, the other kids were all around 2 or 3 and running around like crazy, so I was a little worried that she was going to get trampled.  But, she had a great time!  One little girl, Lea, fell in love with her and wouldn't stop petting her head and blocking her path when she crawled.  I thought it was pretty cute, but Lea's parents were constantly telling her to leave the baby alone.

Then, as if I hadn't been indulgent enough for one day, I decided to take Renee into Build-a-Bear Workshop and get her a stuffed animal.  We (meaning I) decided on an adorable stuffed dog.  Renee liked it so much that I had trouble getting her to let it go long enough for the guy to stuff it and sew it up.  It is so cute seeing her light up and grab at it with that giant toothy smile of hers!  It was well worth the $18.  I'll have to write a separate post to introduce her new friend properly :D

Renee fell asleep on the car ride home and slept long enough for me to wash some dishes and clean up the house a little bit.  When she woke up from her nap the weather was so nice that we (again, I) decided to spend some time outdoors.  So, I got out a big picnic blanket and set Renee up on the front lawn with some toys.  She happily played while I weeded and raked up the planter bed in the front of our house.  I wasn't able to finish, but I made a pretty big dent in it and I plan on planting some hostas and other shade loving perennials in there over the weekend.

The rest of the evening we just played around with her toys in the living room until it was time to go to bed.  She was in bed and asleep by 7:15 (holding on to her new stuffed friend, so cute!) and I had plenty of energy left to wash the dishes from dinner and make some rum raisin rice pudding, which was delicious!!!

Ahhh, days like that make me want to be a stay-at-home mom!!  Don't worry though, I'm not naive enough to think that that's how life would be if I were to actually stay home everyday.
"What'd you do today honey?"
"Oh, you know, the same old thing!  Went to the mall, spent a ton of money, ate crappy Chinese food, played with the baby, made rice pudding and ate a giant bowl of that."  
 I'd be broke and fat in no time :D  But, a girl can dream, can't she!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sick Mama

Firstly, I'd like to apologize to my readers (I think there's only like 5 of you out there) for not posting in a while.  Sorry, I'll try to be better, I swear!!

Okay, on with the blog...

So, for this last weekend we had a super busy Saturday planned: Jeff's parents were going to come over for brunch around 10:30am; for which I was going to make a delicious quiche Loraine, a fruit salad, a green salad and some roasted potatoes.  Then, at 2:30 we were going to drive down to San Mateo to have dinner with some great friends that we only get to see every 3 or 4 months.

Well, I woke up Saturday morning at 5am with a really bad stomach ache.  Mistaking it for hunger, I got up to have a bowl of cereal and threw up before I even got to the refrigerator.  I went ahead and ate some cereal anyway, hoping it was still just hunger and went back to bed.  Twenty minutes later my body decided to wage an all out war against any and everything that was in my intestinal tract.  And for the rest of the day I was either on the toilet, had my face in the toilet or passed out in bed.  There went our plans!

Jeff's parents still came over, but instead of having the great brunch I planned, they took Jeff and Renee out to lunch so that I could have the house to myself for a few hours and get some rest.

Renee LOVES her Grandpa Earl and Grandma Karen!  I think because they get such a kick out her antics, and so they're always laughing and smiling, which then makes her laugh and smile more, which then makes them laugh and smile more, and so on.  It's a total snow ball affect :D  Here are some pictures:
Poking Grandpa in the face with a spoon!

Trying to steal Grandpa's hat!  He doesn't seem to mind :D

Making Grandma and Grandpa smile.

Jeff spent rest of the day taking care of Renee, taking care of me AND juggling his on-call duties for work!!  Thank goodness he was home, I don't know what I would have done without him!
I finally started feeling better around 5pm, and was able to keep some food down (apple sauce, saltines and chicken broth).  But, man did I feel weak.  Just standing up for a few seconds made me light headed and nauseous.   By Sunday, I was pretty much back to normal, albeit a few pounds lighter!  But, I was still tired, so we just took it easy all day and hung out at home.   

And, changing the subject entirely, here is a picture showing Renee's progress on her most current endeavor: growing teeth!!!

She's got 6 so far.  Look at those choppers!!!