Friday, July 30, 2010

Roller Coaster

I got this roller coaster toy, along with a bunch of baby clothes, from a donation shower (aka: baby stuff swap) that the UC Davis Pregnant Student Support Group held a few months ago.  I love free baby stuff, Renee doesn't care if it's used, and we don't have to spend money on something she's only going to use for a few months.

She really likes this toy too.  She can't move the blocks around yet, but if she holds on just right it helps her balance so she can sit up, which she loves to do :D  She topples right over as soon as she lets go though!

She's getting better about doing "Tummy Time" these days also.  I can even make her laugh when she's on her tummy sometimes.  

But, it usually doesn't last long, and she starts to get upset.

Luckily that one is a quick fix, just turn her over, make a goofy face and Voilà!!, a happy baby again :D

Goofy Girl!!!

On another Renee note, she had her first real cold this week.  It started last Saturday with a runny nose and a fever, and it pretty much lasted all week long.  It was a good one too, complete with a trip to the doctor, two trips to the pharmacy, greenish snot, lots of coughing and, by far the most fun, throwing up... on me... several times.  At least she's not eating solid foods yet :D

1 comment:

  1. Good lord that girl is C.U.T.E. Too bad about the cold, but hey, it builds immunity in the long run (...right?!). Glad she's better.
