Tuesday, November 9, 2010

If a baby pulls herself up and no one is around to see it, did she really stand on her own?

Yesterday, when I picked Renee up from daycare, all of the teachers were so excited because Renee had used a bench to pull herself up from sitting to standing for the first time.  The catch was that no one saw it.  They left her sitting on her own, they all got distracted with helping other babies, and when they looked over at Renee she was standing!

Initially I was excited too, but when I was driving home and thinking about this HUGE thing that my baby girl did, I started getting really sad.  I wasn't there to see her stand up on her own for the 1st time!  The fact that no one else saw it was only a little bit of a consolation, and a very selfish one at that!!

She's growing soooo fast, and of course I'm not going to be there to see every new thing she does, as much as I want to.  And I can only imagine how Jeff feels, he barely gets to see her at all during the week; maybe 15 or 20 minutes every morning, and then sometimes he gets home after she goes to bed at night.

Obviously we can't stop her from growing, so we just have to enjoy every second with her as much as we can before she moves on to the next big thing.  And of course take pictures, tons and tons of pictures :D

And more for my own memory keeping than anything else, here are some of Renee's most current milestones (besides the whole standing thing):

  • She can say mama now, although it's more like, "ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" 
  • She can also say dada and daaah (translation: dog, she LOVES the dogs) 
  • Her 1st tooth is coming in!
  • She can point and poke at things with her index finger (seems trivial, but it's an important one)
  • She's beginning to depend less on putting everything in her mouth and starting to actually explore what else she can do with them (i.e. shaking rattles, banging things together, etc.)
  • And finally, she's getting more and more adorable every single day :D

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.  ~Dr. Seuss


    1. I think babies probably do EVERYTHING at least once before their parents (or any adult) ever sees them do it. You just finally notice and think, "Hey, how cool!"

      That is stinky about Jeff not seeing her as much as you get to, but I'm SURE those 20 minutes each morning are super special to both of them.

      Isn't she just getting more and more fun all the time?! Gah...we have the cutest babies ever.

    2. Yes, she is getting so fun! And, YES, we do have the cutest babies ever :D

      Have you seen the documentary "Babies" yet? You'll love it! The baby from Mongolia is especially cute and reminds me a lot of your little Eddie Pie; super independent, adventurous and always walking around naked :D

    3. Yes, Dave and I went on a date a few months ago and saw Babies. We both loved it. I spent the whole movie with a smiles on my face and would often jab Dave in the ribs and point to the screen to emphasize how cute I thought something was...and he finally pointed out that we were BOTH watching the SAME movie so I didn't need to do that. Haha.

      It made me literally LOL at your Mongolian baby comment because Dave and I both agreed that we liked that kiddo the most. I could have eaten his cheeks...and what's not to love about tying your baby to the furniture and letting goats walk all over him?
