Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jumping Bean

We went to my aunt's house on Sunday for a family get together, and my mom brought a jumper for Renee (apparently she's going to be the spoiling kind of grandma!). 

I thought for sure she was going to cry as soon as we put her in it, but she loved it immediately!  Not only does she get to stand, but it has a mirror and a bunch of hanging toys for her to play with.

It really is a great thing, it keeps her happily occupied for a good 10 minutes in the mornings while I get ready.  Every little bit helps!  Thanks Grandma Denise!!!

Oh, and I had to post this adorable picture of Renee and her second cousin (my cousin's son) Credence getting to know each other.  So cute :D

In other Renee news, I started giving her solids this week!  She's been eating rice cereal mixed with baby food veggies.  I use the term "eating" very loosely of course, most of the food ends up on her face, chin, hands, etc.  But, some does get in her mouth :D  We're working on it!

And, I finally put up the July pictures on her Gallery page, so go check them out if you're in the mood to see more of her cuteness!

1 comment:

  1. Those jumpers are great! Ours stayed in the bathroom door for a month or so...Eddie's bounce while I showered (then he became mobile so I started showering at night before bed while he was sleeping).

    You'll know when she starts swallowing the food because her poops will be super nasty. At that point you might want to start using flushable/disposable diaper liners.
